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No Archive Anxiety – Live in the moment, it won’t repeat

I love this article from Art Review We All Have Archive Anxiety Now drawing a parallel with the album DeBÍ TiRAR MáS FOToS by Bad Bunny, to draw attention to how social media is colonized by corporations who can take your stuff down, or take over your stuff, on a whim. To me a take-down is less colonization than a takeover. 

I think it is very different however (you can’t remotely compare it to the actual colonization of Puerto Rico), because on social media, it is not a corporation colonizing your device, you are the one moving your content and most cherished moments into a corporate structure that you don’t control. I moved all my stuff out of social media and gave up on likes and engagement loooong time ago. 

I initially wrote a different post questioning whether or not the term “colonization” applies and then I had an instant flash in my memory about a certain platform that was acquired by a new corporation a while ago (before the pandemic), and where I still appear to be holding at least one account, to which I have zero access since the acquisition. Comments have been accruing without me being able to moderate or reply. I thought I had moved my stuff from everywhere on social media, but given my numerous pseudonyms, one that I can clearly remember right now totally slipped through, I just dawned on me that I have loose ends as we speak. 

So thanks to this really insightful article, I can now 100% claim that my content was indeed colonized by a freaking corporation! A bit flabbergasted, I am correcting myself on this unpleasant omission. 

Blessed with Lunar Eclipse from my window, 4am

At first I wasn’t sure what I was looking at. I opened the window, and it took me by surprise. Had I known the sky would be so clear, and that the moon would be positioned exactly there, I would be better prepared, but it was totally hazy at sunset, a nice hazy blanket right where the moon is right now.  Now you can even see stars, not all the stars, but many… so it is in the moment. I tried to put a few unedited clips with ambient Montreal sound, mainly a peaceful city hum, police sirens and my own breath and exclamations, but this platform is not accepting media in raw video for security reasons. 

At first it looked like something burned-orange and spherical is on or in front of the moon, or as if there were cloud-like spirals showing up and disappearing, maybe it was haze residue, but it was too repetitive to be that, and THEN the eclipse recess process began. There were moments the moon looked like a plate with another circle inside. it is now by its end at 4:51 am. This is why I couldn’t sleep at all. I will have to make a progression video from the combined footage. When the “overshadow” is almost gone the moon is extremely bright and impossible to film or photograph just as easily. When I take a photo I get all the colors of the rainbow but no definition. 

The footage however cannot remotely represent the breathtaking beauty of the situation.

I’ve never seen anything like this. What a nice surprise! Thank you, Universe!

Update: I caught some sleep and it is all over the news. Visible in clear skies all over North America. Blood-moon eclipse it is called, because it is the only time you can see a lunar eclipse, usually it is invisible. It means I literally caught the eclipse exactly when it was full at 4am and started receding for roughly an hour. The “spiral-like formations” were the intense light from the moon bleeding through. It appeared multi-layered and if it wasn’t so huge to the naked eye, you’d think you’re looking at a hybrid between Mars and Jupiter, but I wouldn’t say it was “red”. It was between orange and red and various shades in between.

you know… DeBÍ TiRAR MáS FOToS

Woman Like Me; Gender neutral like thee

I’m starting to get a feel of how to make these videos in 16:9. There is a lot of woman in that routine btw.. I inserted two mirrored takes on each side of the frame (one reversed) then reduced opacity. So far, it is the lowest effort edit on my side. 

I always let the good ones go by CharlieXCX; Intrapolation from Sweet Dreams

I prefer the intrapolated result to the original. Two takes, one in high heels. I’m throwing rough edits until I decide. For now, it is an appropriate song to start the day. It’s not you, it’s me sort of vibe. 


ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ

ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ – the so called “jewel in the lotus” is simply a symbol for infinite compassion. I think it is intentionally made as obscure as possible to distract from the essence. In sum it is the opposite of a self-serving mantra. 

Obviously it is not enough to recite a mantra in another language to free oneself from self-serving thoughts and actions. Anything that implies seeking recognition in this world or trying to build something for oneself isn’t compatible with the mantra. One would cancel the other out. 

I keep finding parallels between Jesus on the crucifix and this particular mantra. Yhe symbol of the cross is likely equivalent to the mantras.

In a more practical way, I think it is important to feel the pain of the moment the way it presents itself, AND to have compassion for the motherfuckers we feel are causing it. Most of the time, it is us causing our own misery, so it ends up serving us, but in a roundabout way. The next level is “turn the other cheek”. If you can do that, you get superpowers. I can’t do that yet. 

I don’t know how I can both say “I do not consent” and turn the other cheek. I’m not advanced enough. However, I will always protect other people against tyranny even though I am not part of those people, for example I protected anti-maskers during covid even though I loved masking up for different reasons (mainly because I felt my privacy invaded at that particular time, and I had my haute couture masks lined up) I honestly thought anti-maskers would be the best “perps” one would want to represent in a penal system, for one because they haven’t caused any real damage to anyone or anything, as opposed to other criminals we’re used to protect and who destroy lives.

In Quebec some lawyers even lost their licenses for being anti-vaxxers. To me, it showed that the law defeats its own purpose. It is not designed to protect people. It actually seems to be designed for the purpose of oppressing as many people as possible while trying to get rich off of it. In sum it is the opposite of Jesus on the crucifix. And incompatible with the compassion mantra. 

What is not helping consciousness is being afraid of some hypothetical pain (i.e. the nuclear war and WW3 we’ve heard sooo much about for the past 3 years), and blackmailing oneself to oblivion into participating in self-serving endeavors. 

Also, pain and suffering are relative and subjective, people feel extreme pain from looking at social media. Judging them won’t advance us.

In sum, if there is pain that you never consented to, the mantra reminds us, we can still work with it, like Jesus did.