Enfant indiscipliné… from Yo Mama

J’ai pleuré à ce film. Je n’ai pas d’enfants mais c’est quand même venu me chercher. Il s’agit de trois mamans qui commencent à faire du rap professionnel pour se rapprocher de leurs enfants qui eux même font du rap de bandits, mais.. un peu moins professionnel. La scène de session d’enregistrement m’a vraiment prise par les émotions. 

I cried at this movie. It is about three moms in Paris who start making rap to get closer to their 10 year olds who themselves are into making gangsta rap, pretending to be tough, etc. The moms gain enormous success and their kids are finally starting to pay attention… It is a beautiful story. 

if you want to hear the other songs, search for Yo Mama Bande Originale on Youtube.

This one called Géolocalisé got me dancing (physically participating) along. One short verse about how a mom geo-localized her class-skipping son who had lied to her, found him, and what she said to him. I don’t want to be that kid…lol